"The most interesting personality in the borough of West Ham" (1896)

Monday, 10 April 2017

This was Forest Gate Weekly News' description of Gustav Pagenstecher. It was almost certainly true then, and the fact that the reader of this article has probably never heard of him is part of his fascinating story.

Gustav Pagenstecher in 1896
He was key to establishing West Ham Park, and wrote its first history; edited the first history of West and East Ham; and was: a leading figure in the development of the then West Ham hospital, a committee member of Essex County Cricket club for over 20 years, instrumental in ensuring cricket was (and still is) played in West Ham Park, secretary and tutor to the Gurney/Buxton families of Upton, a prominent member of Forest Gate civic society, an active local Liberal, somewhat implausibly a committee member for the Essex County Agricultural show; and, for good measure, a leading light in the Peabody Trust's housing management development.

Pagenstecher was born in Westphalia to a wealthy German father and Franco/Caribbean mother in 1829. His father died when he was five; the boy was subsequently privately educated - mostly at home.  

He was cousin to a famous eye surgeon who seemed to spend most of his working life attending to Queen Victoria's children and her relatives on the other thrones of Europe.

Gustav studied at the universities of Berlin, Bonn and Halle, reading classics, history and modern languages. In 1852 he was awarded a PhD for a Latin dissertation on Socrates.

He came to England immediately afterwards and acted as tutor to a family in Norfolk. He then performed a similar role for the MP Sir Edward Buxton, also of Norfolk.

Buxton came to stay with his relatives, the Gurneys, in Ham House (in what is now West Ham Park) in 1860, and Pagenstecher joined him there. Gustav was active as Buxton's secretary in Parliament, and spoke of having seen the likes of "Palmerstone, Russell, Disraeli, Gladstone and Bright" at work on the floor of the House. He also tutored the families' young and did the adults' bidding - even in their ancestral home of Norfolk, where he was to be found organising benefit concerts on their behalf, for almost a decade.

Ham House, in its grounds
- now the site of West Ham Park
He left the family's employment in 1869 until 1874, during which time he was secretary to a wealthy banker, William Gibbs. But Forest Gate still had a pull on his attention and commitments.

The Gurney family encountered financial difficulties in the 1870's (which will be referred to in a subsequent post) and Samuel Gurney's grandson, John, wished to dispose of their family seat, Ham House and the 72 acres attached to it, to ease these problems. He turned to Pagenstecher to assist with the sale.
The grounds of Ham House,
before turned into West Ham Park
Gurney's preference was that the grounds should become a public park, but he did not wish to bequeath the grounds gratis to the area.

The land was valued at about £25,000. Gurney was willing to offer a £10,000 price cut if the grounds were to become a public park and he used Pagenstecher to fix the deal. Gustav approached the then West Ham local government body to finance it, but they had neither the money nor the powers to do so.

West Ham Park, 1904
He was able to persuade friends of the Gurneys to contribute £5,000 to the reduced asking price and  then cajoled the Corporation of London to fund the remaining £10,000 and take responsibility for its on-going upkeep. It was opened to the public, under their aegis, in 1874.

That is why a little bit of the Corporation remit nestles in a  small corner of Forest Gate today. (Wanstead Flats - well, that's a different story, emanating from a similar period - see here!).

West Ham Park c 1905
Having engineered the transformation of grand residence and grounds into public park, Gustav Pagenstecher was to remain as deputy chairman of the Park's Committee until his death in 1916. He wrote the first definitive history of the Park in 1908, and was awarded a gold watch for his 40 years of service, by the Park Committee on 27 June 1914.

A plaque, commemorating his dedication to the Park was erected within it for some years. It is now long gone, and events towards the very end of his life may provide the explanation for the disappearance.

After his success in establishing the Park, Pagenstecher  became secretary of the Peabody Trustees - responsible for large estates of charitable housing for the poor, until 1888.

He cemented his relationship with Forest Gate when he moved into his own property, Cedar Cottage, 206 The Portway, in 1886. This had previously been the house of the Gurney family's bailiff. It is long gone and is now replaced by 1930's housing, and was adjacent to what is now East St, facing the park.

Cedar Cottage, Pagenstecher's
 house on The Portway
In 1889 he popped up in press reports, somewhat bizarrely, as Deputy Returning Officer for elections in Ilford.

The following year, he became the first, and very successful, secretary of West Ham Hospital - then located behind Stratford Town hall. These were, of course, pre-NHS days, and so the institution was almost entirely dependent on charity donations for its development and upkeep.

"Ladies" ward, West Ham hospital, 1900
 - shortly after Gustav's period as secretary there.
Press reports show him to have organised a Masonic Ball at the Town Hall in 1893, to raise money for the hospital.  The extract from the Chelmsford Chronicle, below, is an unintentionally funny description of the event.

Four months later, the philanthropist Passmore Edwards laid the foundation stone of a new wing at the hospital that was to bear his name. Pagenstecher had, no doubt, been instrumental in arranging this. Edwards contributed £2,000 of the £2,8000 required to build the eponymously named ward.

Two years later, the 67-year old Dr Pagenstecher was interviewed by the Forest Gate Weekly News. The paper raised the subject of his employment with the hospital, but found a reluctant interviewee: "The Doctor seemed disinclined to discuss the point further and we broached other topics"!
Children's ward, West Ham hospital, 1900
 - shortly after Gustav's period as secretary there.

Among those were his Forest Gate-related past times.

Katherine Fry, prison reformer, Elizabeth's daughter, of Cedar House, had, during her lifetime collected a large and jumbled collection of documents relating to the history of East and West Ham.  According to the Weekly News, Pagenstecher "rescued the valuable manuscripts from the gloomy side of oblivion" and spent two years knocking them into shape. They were published in 1888 (see press advert, below).

Pagenstecher was more than a little aggrieved that in the reviews of the book Fry was given all the plaudits for its excellence and he all the blame for its perceived faults!

Gustav was a pianist of some distinction and:
... a member of the Shakespearean Society, which holds its meetings in Forest Gate. I am also a member of the Upton Literary Society, which holds its meetings in Norwich Hall.
I am a Liberal; always was; but not a radical". He regularly represented Stratford at regional Liberal meetings and bodies.
I've always been an enthusiast for cricket. On the Park Management Committee, I used every endeavour to ensure that portions of the Park should be laid out as cricket pitches. I was secretary of the Upton Park Cricket Club, which dates as far back as 1854.
Dr Paggy, they always called me - that was my cricket name. They gave me a silver cup when I stood down.

Pagenstecher was a member of the Essex County Cricket Club committee from 1886 - when it moved its headquarters from Brentwood to Leyton - until 1910 (and was for a short period its secretary).

He was, additionally, an active supporter and promoter of the Stratford |Music Festival, whose origins can be traced to the Earlham Grove  Academy (see here), and a chess player of some repute.

Surviving evidence suggests that Pagenstecher was, by modern standards,  somewhat pompous; but was quite capable of a degree of self deprecation.

So - he caught the cycling bug, that was so popular in the area in the 1890's (see here), and in a passage that may have come straight from a modern day Alan Bennett diary, he told the Forest Gate Weekly News in a letter in 1896:

You must sit perfectly upright', said my kind instructor, 'lay hold of the handle, keep your balance and treadle quite slowly with your feet' This seemed all very plausible in theory, but I found it jolly hard, in practice.

The letter continued:


Pagenstecher was a "confirmed bachelor". Whether that term was used as euphemistically at the end of the nineteenth century as it was a hundred years later is not clear. He was, however, quite self mocking about his status in his last known published work - a letter to the Chelmsford Chronicle on 8 May 1914, as the extract below indicates:

Chelmsford Chronicle 8 May 1914
Pagenstecker felt very much at ease in his adopted home of Forest Gate, telling the local Weekly News in 1896:
One's tastes and habits are formed along English lines ... I have lived in a good society, and thoroughly enjoyed the good things in life, including the true friendship of several good and true English gentlemen.
In his later years, Gustav would spend the three summer months in his ancestral home of Germany. He was appalled when war broke out in the summer of 1914 and rushed back from his vacation to his adopted home of Forest Gate, dying soon after.

Pagenstecher in his later years,
 from Stratford Express obituary
 of him, February 1916
Pagenstecher's legacy

For: -
  • ·         establishing West Ham Park and writing its first history;
  • ·         editing the first history of East and West Ham;
  • ·         being a successful fundraising secretary for the old West ham hospital;
  • ·         being an active member of Forest Gate civic society;
  • ·         serving for 20 years as a member of the Essex County Cricket Club;
  • ·         being described in 1896 as "the most interesting personality in the whole borough of West Ham";
  • ·         being an active member of the Liberal party at local and regional level;
  • ·         working as a senior housing association manager
  • ·         becoming "an English gentleman".

what was Pagenstecher's reward?:

  • ·         a knighthood?
  • ·         Freedom of the City of London, or West Ham?
  • ·         a building, street or facility named in his honour?
  • ·         a blue, or indeed any colour, plaque?

No. He was rounded up as an 85 year old alien on his return from Germany in 1914 and was required to report to West Ham police station daily.

it is said to have broken his heart. He died 18 months later, on 11 February 1916 and the memory of his local contribution has been allowed to fade away. So much so, that today Gustav Pagenstecher remains largely unremembered and completely unrecognised in Forest Gate.

E7 restaurants - food rating - March 2017

Friday, 31 March 2017

This is the third summary of the Food Standards Agency (FSA) cleanliness ratings for Forest Gate eateries; for others, 2014 and 2015, see here and here.

There are more places covered in this survey than in the previous ones, because more have opened and the FSA have been more diligent at tracking restaurants down, for assessment.
The headline would be that, overall, standards appear to be improving. 

The 2014 survey showed a shocking 8% of local restaurants gaining zero stars - only two of the 81 places covered in this survey had that unenviable distinction - see below, for details.

From a shocking 0 stars to
 a respectable 3, in a year

Conversely, only 6% of places included in the 2014 survey were rated 5 star establishments, that percentage has more than doubled today, to 14%.

In the text below, we have listed each surveyed restaurant by  their star rating, and, where available, we provide details of the start ratings from previous surveys. Clearly the newer establishments (such a Corner Kitchen on Woodgrange Road) have not been established long enough to have comparative data on previous performance.

The FSA use detailed criteria in making their overall assessment, and summaries can be found here. For simplicity, we have applied our own shorthand, and indicate it in the sub-heads below.

Some of the poorer restaurants and takeaways from previous years have closed, presumably as a combination of getting an FSA slating and customer rejection of poor standards.

For some food places, the FSA provide more detail about how they came to their judgement and offer details of three simple criteria; where these have been provided, we offer the details below. The key to abbreviations in inspectors' judgements, below, is:

Hygienic food handling (Hfh), 
Cleanliness and condition of building (Ccb) 
Management of food safety (Mfs)


Eateries showing the biggest improvement  since the last survey are:

Eat More - up from a shocking 0 stars last year to 3, this
Mobeen - up from 1 to 4 stars
Forest Gate Hotel - up from 1 star to 3
Jin Hui - up from 1 star to 3

Up from 1 to 3 stars

Custard pies

Eateries showing the biggest deterioration since the last survey are:

Peri Peri Crush - down from 3 stars to 0
Indiano Pizza - down from 4 stars to 1

Disturbing drop from 4
stars to 1 in two years

Papa Shafs - down from 4 stars to 1
Compotes Cafe - down from 4 stars to 1
Marrakech London - down from 4 stars to 1
Pizza Hut - down from 5 stars to 3
Papas Chicken - down from 5 stars to 3
NUR - down from 3 stars to 1
Margalla Grill - down from 3 stars to 1
Everest - Fish & Chips Kebab - down from 3 stars to 1

Down from 3 stars to 1 in two years

5 Stars (excellent)

Best Kebab House
20 Upton Lane E7 9LN
June 2015
2015 survey: 5 stars
2014 survey: 1 star

Coffee Republic
Unit 34 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
April 2015
2015 survey: 5 stars

Corner Kitchen
58 Woodgrange Road 7 0QH
January 2016

New entry comes straight in with 5 stars

39 Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
November 2015

McDonalds - Forest Gate
322 Romford Road E7 8DB
December 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - good; Mfs - very good
2015 survey: 4 stars

Pita Pit
Unit 6 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
April 2015
2015 survey: 5 stars

9 Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
September 2015
2015 survey: 5 stars

The Avenue
Railway Arches 436 To 437 Avenue Road 
E7 0LB
November 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - good; Mfs - good

The Holly Tree
141 Dames Road E7 0DZ
April 2015
2015 survey: 5 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

The Hudson Bay
1-5 Upton Lane E7 9PA
January 2016
2015 survey: 5 stars
2014 survey: 5 stars

Waffle Paradise
Unit 55 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
August 2016
Hfh - very good; Ccb - very good; Mfs - good

4 Stars (Good)

Aromas Restaurant
172 Forest Lane E7 9BB
August 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - good; Mfs - very good
2015 survey: 3 stars

Cafe @ 48
48 Upton Lane E7 9LN
December 2015
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

10 Sebert Road E7 0NQ
March 2016
2015 survey: 4 stars

Elsha Delight Ltd
173 Upton Lane E7 9PJ
November 2015
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

Familia Cafe
180 Forest Lane E7 9BB
February 2015

Favorite Chicken & Ribs
45A Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
October 2015

Ghost Chilli
107 Woodgrange Road E7 0EP
March 2016

KFC Forest Gate
31 Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
January 2016

Mobeen Restaurant
222 Green Street E7 8LE
October 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - good; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star

Percy Ingle
13 Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
January 2016

Pie Republic
80 Upton Lane E7 9LW
February 2017
Hfh - good; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - very good

Pizza Space & Chicken
118 Upton Lane E7 9LW
December 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - good; Mfs - generally satisfactory

Rosy Rose Caribbean Delicacies
77 Green Street E7 8JF
February 2017
Hfh - very good; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - good

Tarbush Swahili Dishes
128 Upton Lane E7 9LW
November 2015
2015 survey: 4 stars

The Forest Tavern
173 - 175 Forest Lane E7 9BB
April 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs -  good
2015 survey: 3 stars

The Rising Sun
Rising Sun 528 Romford Road E7 8A
February 2016

Totally Toasted
Arch 352 Winchelsea Road E7 0AQ
February 2016

3 Stars (average)

Papa's down from 5 to 3 stars

Alnuur Cafe & Restaurant
466 Katherine Road E7 8DP
December 2015
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Bayleaf Spice
311 Romford Road E7 9HA
November 2016

Brioche Burger
Unit 32 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
October 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 3 stars

Coffee Corner 13
11 - 13 Upton Lane E7 9PA
March 2016

Eat More
8-10 Railway Station Bridge Woodgrange Road E7 0NF
June 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 0 stars
2014 survey: 1 star

Forest Cafe
61 Woodgrange Road E7 0EL
June 2015
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Forest Gate Hotel 
105 Godwin Road E7 0LW
December 2015
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 2 stars

Up from 1 star two years ago, to 3 today

Fox & Hounds 
178 Forest Lane E7 9BB
September 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory

Grillo Xpress Pizza
136 Green Street E7 8JQ
October 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory

Jin Hui Chinese Takeaway
64 Field Road E7 9DL
December 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - good; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 1 star

Lahoori Spicy Biryani House
342 Katherine Road E7 8NW
December 2016
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

Lahore Xpress
99 Green Street E7 8JF
January 2017
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 1 star

Lahori Zaiqa
297b Romford Road E7 9HA
December 2015
2015 survey: 2 stars

Moon House
56 Woodgrange Road E7 0QH
October 2015
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

Papas Chicken
37a Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
June 2015
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 5 stars
2014 survey: 5 stars

Pizza Hut
60 Woodgrange Road E7 0QH
January 2016
2015 survey: 5 stars
2014 survey: 5 stars

Drop from 5 stars to a very low 3,
for a national chain fast food outlet

Reggae Pot
93 Pevensey Road E7 0AR
March 2015
2015 survey: 3 stars

Ronak Restaurant
317 Romford Road E7 9HA
October 2015
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Rooster Piri Piri
Unit 4 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
August 2016

Sake Sushi
29 Upton Lane E7 9PA
January 2017
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 3 stars

The Grill Corner
1 - 2 Carlton Terrace Green Street E7 8LH
November 2014

The Wanstead Tap 
Arch 352 Winchelsea Road E7 0AQ
February 2016
2015 survey: 4 stars

2 Stars (sub-standard)

A'la Pizza
28 Upton Lane E7 9LN
June 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star

Ali Peri Peri
50 Woodgrange Road E7 0QH
March 2016

Caribbean Country Style Cuisine
110 Woodgrange Road E7 0EW
November 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star

Eastern Palace
278 Romford Road E7 9HD
October 2015
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Kebabish Original / K O Grill
132 Green Street E7 8JQ
August 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 2 stars

Perfect Fried Chicken
506 Romford Road E7 8AF
April 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 3 stars

Wentys Kitchen At Rear Taste Of Caribbean
26 Upton Lane E7 9LN
June 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 2 stars

Zu's Sizzlers
83 Green Street E7 8JF
November 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; improvement necessary - good; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

1 Star (poor)

Down from 3 to 1 star
Abu Bakars BBQ
47 Upton Lane E7 9PA
May 2015
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 0 stars

Al Dubbagh Takeaway
55 Field Road E7 9DW
March 2016

Al Farooq Kebabish
84 Upton Lane E7 9LW
December 2015

Chicago 30
369 Katherine Road E7 8LT
September 2016
Hfh - major improvement necessary Ccb - major improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 2 stars
2014 survey: 2 stars

Clapton Football Club
Upton Lane E7 9NP
October 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - major improvement necessary

Compotes Cafe
118 Woodgrange Road E7 0EW
December 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 4 stars

Daily Fry And Spice - Biryani House
426 Katherine Road E7 8NP
June 2015
2015 survey: 1 star
2014 survey: 1 star

Everest - Fish & Chips Kebab
327 Romford Road E7 8AE
November 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - generally satisfactory Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Grill It
78 Green Street E7 8JG
October 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - good; Mfs - major improvement necessary

Indiano Pizza
126 Upton Lane E7 9LW
January 2016
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

Karlas Kitchen
159 Odessa Road E7 9DU
September 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - major improvement necessary

LA Pizza
396 Romford Road E7 8DF
December 2015
2015 survey: 0 stars

Margalla Grill
255 Green Street E7 8LJ
December 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - good; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 1 star

Marrakech London
Unit 54 232 - 236 Green Street E7 8LE
October 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 4 stars

NUR Restaurant
43 Woodgrange Road E7 8BA
December 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 3 stars
2014 survey: 3 stars

Disappointing drop on Woodgrange
 Road - from 3 to 1 star

Pakhtunkhwa Restaurant
76 Green Street E7 8JG
January 2017
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2014 survey: 0 stars

Panda's Kitchen
396 Katherine Road E7 8NW
April 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 1 star

Papa Shafs Original Ltd
50 Upton Lane E7 9LN
October 2016
Hfh - generally satisfactory; Ccb - improvement necessary; Msf - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 4 stars
2014 survey: 4 stars

Down from a good 4 to
a poor 1 over two years

Pizza Haven
14 Sebert Road E7 0NQ
February 2016

Roast 2012
491 Katherine Road E7 8DR
August 2016
Hfh - major improvement necessary; Ccb - improvement necessary; Mfs - generally satisfactory
2015 survey: 2 stars

The Second Wife
40 Upton Lane E7 9LN
September 2016
Hfh - good; Ccb - generally satisfactory; Mfs - major improvement necessary

0 Stars (shocking)

Dixy Chicken
74 Woodgrange Road E7 0EN
December 2016
Hfh - improvement necessary; Ccb - major improvement necessary; Mfs - urgent improvement necessary

A truly shocking 0 stars for Dixy Chicken
 - "urgent improvement necessary"

Peri Peri Crush
401 Katherine Road E7 8LT
October 2016
Hfh - major improvement necessary; Ccb - major improvement necessary; Mfs - major improvement necessary
2015 survey: 3 stars